Price: $60.00

The final additional notes from "RESTLESS PLOTS" and "SENSE AND SEANCE" are now ready to ship. These are the collected odds and ends which have existed as work resources and outlines for several of my best seance and psychic entertainment productions including my complete Houdini Seance script, plus all the story notes, scripts and prop lists for the Lady Diana, Bela Lugosi, Sharon Tate, Jack the Ripper and Aleister Crowley seances. Most have been re-formatted especially for this book, while others remain in their rough form just as I have used them over the years.

The cream of the crop of all my best ghost stories and psychic investigations created for bizarre storytelling seance work, readings and editorial columns from my "900 phone line years" written for FATE and FORETOLD magazines. Also in this volume are suggestions and notes used for television segments I have appeared in and the traditional pagan Handfasting Ritual that was performed at The Edinburgh Gathering in 2001. This book is filled with the real "real work" that needs to be done by anyone serious about perfecting their role as a contemporary spirit medium. "LOOSE ENDS" concludes with a Compendium of Essential Seance Tools designed to give the reader the ultimate access to effects and accoutrements that have stood the test of time in the world of mediumship. If you liked my previous two books and want to complete the trilogy with some powerful food for thought as well as some killer routines - this is the book that separates those who know how to do their homework from those who dare to dabble.

LOOSE ENDS / 70 duplex printed pages, produced in 8.5" x 11" format, printed on 24 lb. Camel Hair Gold paper. Heavy black coil bound and wrapped in illustrated plastic covered parchment card stock.